CMA Silver Sponsor for ASCE Miami-Dade’s Industry Social

CMAers Yulet Miguel, Nick Karpathy and Dominique Bethel attended ASCE Miami-Dade’s Industry Social on September 29th in Brickell City Centre, EST 33. The event was a Meet and Greet for the Younger Members to connect with the Branch’s Technical Institute groups, and other professionals! Pictured with the Branch’s President, Jennifer Borges are Yulet, Nick and Dominique, proudly displaying our sponsorship poster.  Yulet is the current Transportation & Development Chair (T&DI) and Nick is with the Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI). CMA was a Silver Sponsor! #networking #asce #uesi

Karen RachlesCMA Silver Sponsor for ASCE Miami-Dade’s Industry Social