CMA Staff Participated in HOPE South Florida Shared Meal Event

On Saturday March 4th, CMA participated in a Shared Meal Event hosted by HOPE South Florida. HOPE South Florida is a non-profit organization that provides housing assistance and support to thousands of homeless families, veterans, and individuals. Through their Shared Meal program, they provide about 50,000 meals to the homeless across Broward County every year. CMA staff Ruben Soto, Craig Wallander, E.I., Charmaine Emanuels, E.I., Danny Davila, P.E. (Scarlett Del Valle) helped to prepare and serve approximately 150 hot meals to homeless individuals at Vision of Hope Family Worship Center in Fort Lauderdale. After the meal, volunteers helped to clean the center and enjoyed a tour of the facilities.

Karen RachlesCMA Staff Participated in HOPE South Florida Shared Meal Event