SunSentinel Mention

March 27, 2020
Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP
President, Chen Moore and Associates
Last week: “Construction Workers aren’t observing social distancing” was a comment I read in the Sun-Sentinel recently. That was followed by a request to remove the designation that construction is an essential business in the same post. I see a lot more things than the average person does when I drive around a city. I see all sorts of existing infrastructure, but I mostly pay attention to construction. The safest possible time for important infrastructure projects to take place is right now, when everyone is safely in their homes and off the road. We’re building critical projects, please let us work.

Looking ahead: With unprecedented access to the internet thanks to typically profit hungry conglomerates opening up wi-fi hotspots and with the average person having more than ample time on their hands, there is no excuse for a lack of response on I’ve written many pieces about the importance of the census, making sure that every person is counted to give Broward County and Florida the proper share of national funding and the proper amount of representation in Congress and the Electoral College. Please take a few minutes and visit the site, it will only help us recover from COVID-19 more quickly.

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