SunSentinel Mention

October 25, 2019
Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP
President, Chen Moore and Associates
Last week: It’s unfortunate such discord has been sown in our community surrounding Bonnet House. There is a reason why the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation is reorganizing the current management of Bonnet House, Inc. which by the way the Florida Trust created in 1990. The Florida Trust’s sole purpose is to preserve and protect Historic Properties in Florida, and they are good at. We all need to let the reorganization run its course. I’m confident that Florida’s preeminent organization of preservationists and historians teamed with local Broward leaders will reorganize leadership at Bonnet House to bring back a fiscally successful grounds, our last UNDEVELOPED Gem on Fort Lauderdale Beach.

Looking ahead: Census 2020 is just around the corner. Everyone in Broward needs to be counted. Federal dollars related to population fund programs for children, the elderly, and lower-income households alleviating the need to supplement programs with local taxpayer revenue, not to mention our representation in Congress. As a father of a young child under five, I too need to make sure my child gets counted. It is vitally important that influential leaders and residents of our community participate to ensure a complete count in Broward. The county will be rolling out a robust marketing plan in the coming months. For more informations visit Lets #GoBroward #BrowardCounts

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